My Projects

Projects are fun and exiting. Projects are a sure way of building abilities, strengthening skills and gaining more experience. Projects are the surest way of learning
Lets take a tour of some of my works

Advanced Projects

Swift Mini image

Swift Mini

A Whattsapp-like chat App implementation

featuring single chat, group invite link, group chat, message tagging, edit/delete and authentication.
NodeJsNextJsChakra UIMongoDBPrismaGraphQL
Shoptacle image
Shoptacle image
Shoptacle image
Shoptacle image
Shoptacle image


A Complete, full featured e-commerce App

with customer profile, order-history management and authentication, stripe and paystack payments, Real products, live comments and ratings, admin portal for crud operations
Instagram Web Clone image

Instagram Web Clone

The BEST, Most COMPLETE Instagram clone

Not a regular clone. This clone is intended to mimick Instagram's UI and a bit of functionality. It uses a serverside separate UI for desktop and mobile. Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT a Youtube Tutorial project.

Mid Level Projects

Chat Gpt3 Clone image

Chat Gpt3 Clone

A ChatGpt Clone in the Early days of text-davinci-003 model

This clone clones the old chatgpt interface (UI) and uses various openai models with the text-davinci-003 model as the default.
Mini Blog image
Mini Blog image
Mini Blog image

Mini Blog

A Blog app powered by with dynamic contents

Using a Sanity-embedded studio/editor, where you can preview your post before saving any changes when creating, updating, or deleting a blog post.
Portfolio Website image

Portfolio Website

This portfolio website that you are currently on

A mini portfolio wep page that displays skills, experience, projects, contact info and etc.
PortfolioReactStyled ComponentsCSS

Basic Projects

The Netflix Clone image

The Netflix Clone

Made to look and behave just like Netflix

This project is still in progress. 10% done Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT a Youtube Tutorial project.